
We offer 3 different packages and add ons.

Prenatal Visits

We will meet you and your partner to become acquainted, discuss your priorities, any fears, or concerns you may have. We will discuss your birth plan and how we can work together best.

Postpartum Visits

During this visit we will check in on the family to ensure mentally and physically everyone is doing well. We will learn about your birthing experience from your point of view and continue to support and guide you through this new journey.

Package #1

  • Interview (Meet & Greet)

  • 2 Prenatal home Visits

  • 1 OB Visit

  • Phone/email Support

  • On call 2 weeks prior to birthing date

  • Birthing Support

  • 1-2 Hour Immediately after birth Postpartum visit

  • 1 Postpartum home Visit



Package #2

  • Interview (Meet & Greet)

  • 2 Prenatal home Visits

  • Phone/email Support

  • On call 2 weeks prior to birthing date

  • Birthing Support

  • 1-2 Hour Immediately after birth Postpartum visit

  • 1 Postpartum home Visit



grayscale photography of a new born baby
grayscale photography of a new born baby
Package #3

  • Interview (Meet & Greet)

  • 1 Prenatal Visit

  • Phone/email Support

  • On call 2 weeks prior to birthing date

  • Birthing Support

  • 1 Hour Immediately after birth Postpartum visit

  • 1 Postpartum home Visit



grayscale photo of woman in black coat
grayscale photo of woman in black coat